The most important quality in your life.


Courage to feel all of your feelings and just let them be there.

To step over your greatest fear and to prove you're even greater than that. To walk over the fears of rejection, failure, other's opinions, abandonment, survival. You can meet them in your body, let them shake and burn off until you set yourself free.

It takes courage to own your shit and to feel it.

Courage to let go of control and step into the unknown.

Courage to stop separating. Unity is your nature. It is you, source, love, power, tribal connection but something keeps on separating from unity. You can become aware of it and choose to end it right now.

You can't step out of comfort and familiarity without courage. Your cannot break free from past conditioning and limitations unless you have courage. Your life cannot grow or expand unless you step forward despite the discomfort.

Courage to love and to surrender. To awaken passion, fierceness and power. To dive into the mystery of the unknown and see where it takes you.

Courage is needed to live your highest truth. To live sovereign and free and walk your path in life unapologetically.

And for those on path of enlightenment -

piercing through the veil of duality, illusion and separation and merging with Unity Consciousness is the greatest courage you will need. Meeting the fear of death and going through it. Awakening the inner fire and surrendering to it.

If any of this resonates with you, you know you have been born for this. Don't miss it.

Life will reward you greatly. ❤️