Bliss is your birthright.

Your natural state.

Don't miss to discover and explore what's possible and available and to realise your full potential.

This potential is available for you in every area of life - spirituality, relationships and love, career and money. And the more you master one area, the more all the others expand as well.

Unfortunately spiritual practices and spirituality often separate from life causing more distortion, dissatisfaction and failing to deliver what they promise. They may help you tap into peace and spiritual bliss but unless you embody it, you may still be battling in areas of your life.

Sometimes people put huge expectations on "Spirit" or the Universe to deliver whilst the universe is curious to find out who you will be today, when will you own your life fully and make your bold and courageous choices.

You are a Unity. A Unity of all things, living in Grace, a spontaneous synchronicity and miracles and this is your natural state. You are the the vibrating life force inside all things filled with bliss, which is warming up your body and unifying your consciousness with all that surrounds you.

The only thing that might be blocking this is you. It's time to get out of your own ways.

If you want to live in bliss, stop giving your power away and stop people pleasing. Stop compromising your values and the impulses of your intuition and follow them instead. Speak your voice and live your truth.

If you want to live in bliss stop the bad habits and addictions and that don't serve you any more. Let them burn in the fire of your presence and make a commitment to yourself to make this life real good.

If you want to live in bliss, don't be afraid to meet your trauma. It's been kept hidden in your body and keeping you hostage. It's repelling the very things you want.

If you want to live in bliss love yourself fully. Release the self hatred, high expectations and perfectionism and allow the sweet kundalini Shakti to vibrate in your body. Go deeper and allow the energy to take over and leave you awakened and free.

How to do that?

Our retreats, events and 1:1 sessions are designed to help you realease trauma and blocks and fill up your cup with sweet love and fiery Shakti. They awaken the kundalini every and help you embody the Unity Consciousness and Bliss that you are.